Signals of feathers be they of Fey or Angels
Come calling, and I will Dance the Circle of Eagles. Cradle the Winds Constantly wandering A silence of courses swim with no Current structure. What need is there to devour a brush of the wind that slices silently across a warmed breath of lips uttering seemingly sent to speak the forces of a Higher Nature. Constantly discovering A cradle of Relations endeavored To harmonize the blue of days the purple of nights. Wind whispers the secret to carry to Older Nations the Pipe of She born to Mystic wilderness this is my path.

~Jade Moser~

Tuesday, March 20, 2012



So, you want to celebrate the spring equinox. Okay, let’s do it.
Go to Harmon’s or your nearest favorite shopping place; keep it simple and fun with little work in mind. Get the wine...and not the boxed kind (For those of you who go the cheap route) or even grab some great Champagne.
You can celebrate the Equinox through today and tomorrow, because if we were living in Ireland we wouldn’t give a damn about the time frame. Invite a few friends, if possible, or share with the 4 footed furry type (Unless you’re a bird lover). If it’s sunny tomorrow go outside and breath in the “almost” clean air of SLC Utah. Make wishes?...sure, if you want to. Will they come true?....sure, if you believe they will. lets spend as much time as we can together with friends and family whom we love because that's the true rebirth of the year. (I had to add ONE serious note.)
For me, I’m having a little tea, the jasmine type, and a little cake and the rest of the frog eyes salad I bought. Oh and the little tarts, I’m so glad we have Harmon’s.
Happy Equinox

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