Signals of feathers be they of Fey or Angels
Come calling, and I will Dance the Circle of Eagles. Cradle the Winds Constantly wandering A silence of courses swim with no Current structure. What need is there to devour a brush of the wind that slices silently across a warmed breath of lips uttering seemingly sent to speak the forces of a Higher Nature. Constantly discovering A cradle of Relations endeavored To harmonize the blue of days the purple of nights. Wind whispers the secret to carry to Older Nations the Pipe of She born to Mystic wilderness this is my path.

~Jade Moser~

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 11

I love me, 28 days of true love.
Thank You


Say thank you to everything in your life today.

Pretty easy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

When I have done this, it automatically "amps" up my energy. This attracts good things to me. Like you guys. And this is a good thing.

Remember to tell yourself how great you are, say, Thank you for being so ..... Fill in the blank.

Smile when you say that pard'ner. A little of Toy Story to finish this piece.

Thanks so much for coming today. And yes, I'm smiling.

Monday, December 10, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 10

I love me, 28 days of true love.


During this time of year many people find themselves torn between spending like there's no tomorrow or hiding out from every place that may entice them to buy one more gift.  How many of us wish we could work extra to make that extra money so we can "get" that present we really want to give.  Stressful, yes.. Just writing this seems draining.
Now the fun...

Today, pretend its Christmas. 

You already gave the gift. Think about how much joy you felt when you gave it.  Picture it in your mind. Hear how happy that person that you love sounds.  The perfect day.  Live it now.

Little children have no concept of time. They love their gift because they have been seeing it, feeling it, and hearing themselves telling everyone how great it is.

Think of you own life, I bet you can remember a time when that one special gift was "the Best".

Keep these feelings and see what miracles will happen today.

And remember, smile, smile, smile...

Friday, December 7, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 9

I love me, 28 days of true love. 


It was a fun day being "open" to random acts of kindness.  Compliments, tipping extra, helping a mom at the store, anything that could be found.  Please post comments if you'd like. I love them.


Day 9.  Gratitude at work.

Today have a grateful day at work. 

As you know, what you give out to the world in any area of your life, you get back exactly what you give. So, if you give gratitude for your work, you'll get that gratitude back at 'cha. 

Already, you started out your day telling yourself how great you are, include how fantastic you are at work, how much everyone loves you. Voila, you will have a stupendous day.

Add all of the little "ingredients" of our days, then who knows what miracle may occur.  Your heart will be happy, your mind, and that beautiful Little child inside will be overjoyed.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 8

I love me, 28 days of true love. 
Random Acts of Kindness


How did your picture taking go? Did you get around to taking any pictures  today?  Did you take a picture of yourself making funny faces, a picture of one of your cute pets, how about your big toe...something?!?

I took pictures.  Yes, im doung all of this right along with you.  One of my  pictures was of my odometer on empty.  I was already laughing before I sent it to my son and text, " look at me I am on fumes!!" I was thinking how hilarious this moment would be for the two of us because we both love Seinfeld.  He knew exactly what I meant, and text me back "Go Kramer Go!!"  (If any of you know about that episode that's where Kramer has the brilliant idea to see how far he can drive on empty.)  We both had a really good laugh...and, that is the point of today. Being completely in the moment.  I hope you posted or saved your pictures.

Day 8

Today is a good day to perform, share, or do "random acts of kindness".  It's the perfect season to be aware of helping another person you know or someone you feel inspired to help.

After you have done your morning ritual of "I love you are such a kind person you'll be great at this, (that's just an example).  Make a statement to yourself that you will be "open" to seeing what you can do to be aware of a spontaneous act of kindness.  Perhaps you'll feel like you need to make a short call to someone to say "hi".  (That is in one of our days.)  You can simply text people and say I hope you have a good day today "IF" that's what you're inspired to do.  Maybe it's holding a door open for someone with a smile. (Another one of our practices). Little acts of kindness will give that Little child inside hippety-hoppity  joy.  There is not a need for approval.  It's simple joy.

What came to mind is this, don't  you love it when little children lick their sucker and then stretch their arm out in your direction with that happy gleam in their eye and ask you to have a taste too. They want you to share in the sweetness of life and that's what you get to do today.  As a random act of kindness to yourself, you might want to get your own sucker. 
I'll get chocolate.  Yum!!