Signals of feathers be they of Fey or Angels
Come calling, and I will Dance the Circle of Eagles. Cradle the Winds Constantly wandering A silence of courses swim with no Current structure. What need is there to devour a brush of the wind that slices silently across a warmed breath of lips uttering seemingly sent to speak the forces of a Higher Nature. Constantly discovering A cradle of Relations endeavored To harmonize the blue of days the purple of nights. Wind whispers the secret to carry to Older Nations the Pipe of She born to Mystic wilderness this is my path.

~Jade Moser~

Monday, December 3, 2012

I love me, 28 days of true love. Day 6

I love me, 28 days of true love. 


So how did you do with the "love letters". 

I know it may have been hard to do, and maybe you didn't want to do it  and maybe you didn't do it.  I'm looking at it this way, perhaps you would be honoring yourself. That's probably a surprising answer.  Think about this, if we are little children and that  what child truly wants to follow all the rules. I would expect that most children would say " do I have to".  The most important thing out of everything we are doing is to keep telling yourself in the morning I love you and why.. and do look at that cute little picture of yourself and remember the good things about yourself when you were growing up. Oh yes, laugh..
Adding one little thing truly will be fun.  Especially when you're having "one of those days". 

Day #6
Today here's your assignment. Do nothing.. I don't mean don't go to work or sit around being lazy unless you can and want to... I mean do nothing so that spontaneity can come to you.  It's a guarantee that because there's not even a little bit of an agenda you can smile on a whim you can laugh on a whim you can turn things around your day should be full of happiness..

This  the art of being in the present moment..enjoy.

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