Signals of feathers be they of Fey or Angels
Come calling, and I will Dance the Circle of Eagles. Cradle the Winds Constantly wandering A silence of courses swim with no Current structure. What need is there to devour a brush of the wind that slices silently across a warmed breath of lips uttering seemingly sent to speak the forces of a Higher Nature. Constantly discovering A cradle of Relations endeavored To harmonize the blue of days the purple of nights. Wind whispers the secret to carry to Older Nations the Pipe of She born to Mystic wilderness this is my path.

~Jade Moser~

Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Moon May 20th


This new moon is about the kind of relationships we have with ourselves and that which is reflected within our environment

We all know about "Clear the clutter" at this point, however look around you and I'll bet you have one or two corners that you really wish you would just clear.

What you're going to want to do, Take at least a week from this new moon to a larger waxing moon to move things out of your life. That is you can create more space to have the kind of relationship you want with yourself.

Typically we are looking for that closeness outside of ourselves so we avoid clearing whats right there in front of us.

I'm going to give you a couple of little things that can help. You can have more sense of peace if you do these simple things and in the next few weeks you'll see your outside world reflecting what you've done to take care of yourself.

I'm not telling you to get a big green garbage and start dumping things, this is simply about going through those old winter clothes or getting rid of those pants that sat there all winter that you never wore. Just give them away.

Its about clearing the space around your front and back door and once you've done that, here is the nurturing piece, When you come through your door, remove your shoes, even this small act is showing your house that you are honoring your space and helping you to feel grounded.

 Don't go through your mail yet or jump on the computer to check your emails. Give yourself 30 minutes to simply unwind from the day.

Turn on some music that you love, take a walk in your own yard, check on your flowers and just sit on your balcony or front porch, Anything that gives you that simple pleasures and that will help you relax for 30 minutes.

If your super adventuresome you could even give yourself a relaxing foot bath by placing a nice pan of warm water and just soak your feet, That's for you that really take me serious. That is 1000% self nurturing, Yes I said 1000%. A pan of warm water, 1/2 cup of Epsom salts and some nice smelling bubble bath that smells good to you, Relax for 30 minutes, Lotion your feet with your favorite lotion or oil and put some nice soft socks on and and your good to go.

The obvious thing would be to wait till the end of the evening, but by then your day is gone , do it right away and you'll be surprised at the results of the care that you have given yourself. This is just a small practice of honoring your body , as it held you up through the whole day. I'm doing it, I'm not just talking about it.

 In retrospective there was a time where people "freshened up" before they sat down to dinner, and now in our day and age we shovel things in our mouth so fast we wonder what just went in . We are always in such a hurry. Simply slow down and give yourself that 30 minutes to feel refreshed.

Now here is another little item. You know how we have all rushed home from work and our first thoughts were to get in our jammies or sloppy comfy clothes, Which in itself is not a bad idea, I do it. try this instead. How bout having some sort of nice relaxing comfort wear possible some nice lounge pants or even a kimono, something that is simply not your sleep wear that your just gonna trot off to bed in. You'll actually feel better.

Prepare yourself a nice healthy meal. If there's plenty of daylight after dinner, which there will be give yourself a few minutes and take a walk. Now, How are you gonna do this in your Kimono, Put it in perspective, Obviously you will have dressed the part before hand.

You will find that if you do take a walk, that your food you have just eaten will have a moment to digest, and you wont go to bed with that little pooch you get after you eat and bonus, It will remove any cravings you may get in about 3 hours afterward.

This is what the Goddess have instructed me to share with you this new moon and that you are actually creating a new environment of self worth, Remember just incorporation of just one of these things in your life for about 2 weeks will help change your life for you as you are creating a new habit. For my more Witchy friends out there please see my Streagapandora Blog @ for more Ideas for this new moon

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