Signals of feathers be they of Fey or Angels
Come calling, and I will Dance the Circle of Eagles. Cradle the Winds Constantly wandering A silence of courses swim with no Current structure. What need is there to devour a brush of the wind that slices silently across a warmed breath of lips uttering seemingly sent to speak the forces of a Higher Nature. Constantly discovering A cradle of Relations endeavored To harmonize the blue of days the purple of nights. Wind whispers the secret to carry to Older Nations the Pipe of She born to Mystic wilderness this is my path.

~Jade Moser~

Monday, April 18, 2011

RETROGRADE April 18, 2011


So, even the big boys with federal have been spoofed by the retrograde...the 18th is the deadline, giving you and me some extra room to get that little tax form into the mail. Oh yes, mine was a fat envelope that was a gift..did I say that, yes, because when you are a "master" you allow yourself to be all fluffy and sweet to remain PEACEFUL DAMMIT! Oops! another bleep...Aw come on, for the most part, I am speaking to blog heaven, and no, no, I am not venting, just getting out there into the world of words.... another vein, it is super slow today. I could run faster than clients can get here. The sun has just finally popped out, and all of the flowers, are happy for the big huge rain storm that has come to visit. My animal cards today was whale, oppossum, and owl is working for me, grouse is not. That means, I must do my records, or blogs, or FB posts..whale, there may be drama..oppossum, watch it..grouse, no running around today, and owl is use my clairevoyance. Well, I could use that if there was something to do..Oh, do I detect a little oppossum girl in the wings..I had a super weekend.
Over the weekend, I went to see Bolero...yummy venue presented by Ballet West!!! It was beautiful, provocative, and the ending oh so velvet rope!! Inspiring to raise the bar, tongue in cheek, and expand my goals to be in tip top condition like those girls are...ah yes, I dream of those days when I was that..what do you think...

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